One thing always stays the same in the restaurant and takeaway business and that is everything changes!

New food trends, new laws, sustainability pressures, new food, new products, new technology and the big one – new prices due to ever increasing costs. Your menu in many ways has to deflect these challenges while reflecting your customers’ tastes, habits and desire for something delicious, perhaps even nutritious, but always at the correct price point and often with great convenience.

A menu with pictures of your food will convert to an order 3 times more quickly!

While customers still eat with their eyes – they are increasingly finding new ways to order and pay. Online food ordering and the introduction of QR codes has made eating in and dining out easier than ever. More customers are ordering online than ever before, there’s more choice but with it comes a greater opportunity to get bored. That’s why it is vital to be on trend and offer something new.

While customers still eat with their eyes – they are increasingly finding new ways to order and pay. Online food ordering and the introduction of QR codes has made eating in and dining out easier than ever. More customers are ordering online than ever before, there’s more choice but with it comes a greater opportunity to get bored. That’s why it is vital to be on trend and offer something new.

Don’t forget the basics

Clear, concise descriptions and pricing, categorise dishes correctly, upload simple and beautiful photos – paying attention to detail including packaging, taken while the food is hot so it does not dry out, but instead entices your customers to order!


When updating your menu, don’t just do it on your site, put it on all on your social media, think beyond photos, post videos on TikTok or Instagram that are consistent with your site or Google Business Profile and brand.

Food – Your USP does not have to be totally original!

A well rounded menu, with a big emphasis on quality over choice, will always outsell a bigger choice of bad quality dishes. Inspiration is everywhere – online, from your travels or eating out experiences. Sometimes refining a classic to make it better than the competition with a few fresh ideas can be more effective. A simple burger can be elevated to a memorable eating experience! Or experiment with new ingredients or products, use your imagination and try new ideas out, taste test them with your team, refine using classic techniques, then sell them to your customers.

Make it happen with Foodhub

Update your menu and photos on your My Takeaway app to stay on trend and keep new and existing customers satisfied so your business thrives.

Foodhub support as always is by your side to assist you in keeping your business fully updated not just with menus and photos but in every way possible.

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