As COVID-19 has become a matter of concern in the UK and worldwide, we’re (You & Us) taking some proactive, precautionary measures to help minimise the chance of spreading coronavirus. The safety of our customers, employees, and partners has always been a matter of top priority for us – now more than ever before. Here are a few things you could do to help yourself and the people around you during these unprecedented times.

Encourage contact-free delivery

We’ve changed the systems for you, customers can now opt for contact-free delivery while placing an order. This way, your customers and the delivery partners can follow the social distancing practices by ringing the bell and leaving the food at the doorstep.

Be alert, educate yourself and your staff

Speak to your staff at the beginning of each shift before they enter the building. Carry out temperature screening where possible. If they show any symptoms, advise them to go home and seek medical advice.

Food waste handling/cleaning

Remind your staff to use disposable gloves to clean the tables and dispose of food waste. Tightly close the garbage bags and remind your staff to wash their hands immediately without touching anywhere else.

Perform extra cleaning on high-risk surfaces

Set schedules for cleaning the most frequently used places like cash counters, doors, washbasins, payment machines, furniture etc. Use a detergent, or a disinfectant to kill the germs or viruses and limit the spread.

More emphasis on personal hygiene

Articles like soap, hand sanitisers, tissues should be easily available for your kitchen staff, delivery partners, and customers. Ensure to follow and advise others to follow the 20-second handwash protocol.

Ensure proper food handling practices

Be it knives, chopping boards, ovens, kitchen sinks, vessels, or any food-related equipment; ensure to keep them clean and sanitise on a scheduled basis. Sanitise the delivery bags after every delivery.

In case, your business is of the many that has been hit hard by the uncertainties caused by Coronavirus, click on the following button. The article is enriched with some valuable information on the business support initiatives taken forward by the UK Government.

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