It’s probably no surprise that the takeaway industry fared better during the pandemic when compared to dine-in restaurants.

According to a McKinsey study, takeaways, like pizza chains, saw an increase in revenues while casual dining restaurants saw an 80% drop in sales. Needless to say, your takeaway restaurant is in an excellent position to grow sales over the next year.

Especially if you add a mobile ordering app to your arsenal.

In this digital age where customers demand fast convenience, your takeaway would do well with an app as they can drive 89% of takeout orders and a staggering 70% of customers prefer to order directly from a takeaway.

If those stats still don’t convince you, here are another couple of reasons why you need a mobile ordering app and how Foodhub can help:

Create a customer experience they’ll go bananas for

Not only can an app increase your sales, but it creates a better customer experience as well.

A larger benefit of an app is that it makes it easier for customers to order directly from you instead of having to use a computer. Within minutes and on the go, they can simply click on your app, put in an order, and wait for delivery.

And for time-crunched hungry diners, it could be the difference between coming to your restaurant or going to your competitor who is offering that convenience already.

Your customers can have their cake and eat it too

No question about it, a mobile app is great for your restaurant. Not only does it complement your takeaway on Foodhub Marketplace, but new customers can find and download your app directly from your listing. Yet the hardest part is convincing consumers to not only download your app, but also keep it so they order from you again.

So how can you provide value to your customers?

Create a rewards program. After all, studies show that deals and discounts increase greater usage. And by generating an app-specific discount, exclusive meal deals, or even free delivery on specific days, you’re thanking your customers and giving them a reason to become regular app users.

Sell like hotcakes and boost revenue

But really, what is the biggest reason to get an app?

The inevitable increase in sales of course.

With the pandemic happening and restrictions keeping people home, you’re likely to increase sales across most demographics anyway. But the app will especially resonate with your target audience – Millennials.

According to a 2020 National Restaurant Association study, millennials are the food delivery generation and considering 93% own a smartphone, it only makes good business sense to provide them with an app that connects them directly with your restaurant.

Getting started with your mobile app is as easy as pie

With all the benefits you gain from a mobile ordering app, you’re probably wondering how you can get one now. But before you start searching for an app development course, did you know that Foodhub can create a standalone iOS and Android mobile app specifically for your business?

Foodhub’s bespoke mobile ordering app is available to all our takeaway partners and offers customer-friendly features, such as pre-ordering, loyalty points, order tracking, reviews and ratings, plus a lot more. And getting one is super simple:

  1. Our expert in-house Special Project team uses the same logo and menu from your Foodhub website – no other information is needed from you.
  2. It’s then submitted to the Google Play and App Store to go through a manual review.
  3. Once approved, your app is ready to go!

After the setup and launch of your app is complete, managing your app is easy. As most operations are centralised within your Partner Portal, you can update important details, such as your menu, opening hours, and even add online discounts. Anything more complicated, just reach out.

And don’t forget to promote your app through social media, in-restaurant signage, and your restaurant website.

Can’t wait to get started? Contact us for a free consultation and a quote.

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